Wednesday, April 30, 2008

God wouldn't have given you maracas if He didn't want you to shake 'em

So, it's that time again. Time to launch a new blog. I have done this a few times now, and always start strong, only to futz out and lose interest. I also get hung up on how many comments I get, even though I profess not to care about crap like that. Let's hope I can avoid the neediness that has plagued me in the past.

You may wonder the blog is titled the way is.

OK, there I go- assuming others are reading! Why do I do that? For all I know, not a soul will read this for years. Whatever.

Anyway. If you DO wonder about the title, you obviously are younger than oh, say, 30. Because there isn't a woman at all close to my age who doesn't know exactly where
that title came from.

I chose it because so much of the time, I feel exactly like she does in that scene. A little stupid, a little scared, a little angry, a little excited... such will be the stories of my life.

Now, where is my beige iridescent lipstick?