Saturday, May 17, 2008

God, I'm so sick of this rain. Remind me never to take my honeymoon at Niagara Falls.

At last today the sun finally came out, late in the afternoon. Too bad it wasn't in time to really take advantage of it and get out to do much of anything. Soccer ended just shy of being rained out, which was one additional bonus.

Still no word on the audition. They warned us it could be August before any notification is sent out. I am sure I'll overthink it as usual and try to read deeper meaning into the length of time it takes for me to hear from them... "The longer it takes, that means I got a part! If they didn't want me, they'd say so right away, wouldn't they??" Um, no, not necessarily.

If I don't get cast at all, I will seriously want to get some feedback. But it that cool? Should I even go there? I think it's OK, as long as I am not obnoxious about it. If there is something specific I can work on to improve my chances for next time, I defintely would like to know.

I saw "Iron Man" and LOVED it, so much so that I added Robert Downey Jr. to the list of Smokin' Hot Real Men I Adore. He joins Rob Morrow (star of NUMB3RS) and Dennis Quaid (just watched "The Rookie") in the top three.

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